Questions & Answers


When joining Reflex Centre you can expect to pay various memberships, best to email or call the Reflex office for more details.

Class Uniforms and Gear

Our Reflex display shop is fully equipped with everything you will need for your training classes & sessions.

We have a full line of custom Reflex fight gear, tops, shorts, gis, drinks etc and some SMAI brands as well.


For your first class at Reflex Centre, it’s essential to come prepared with the right training gear.

Depending on the class you’re attending, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Boxing Class / Muay Thai Class: Boxing Gloves
  • Jiu Jitsu Class: Reflex Rashguard top
Class Requirements & Info

Boxing gloves: Choose gloves that fit your hands.

Hand wraps: These protect your wrists and hands, providing extra support.

Boxing gloves: Choose gloves that fit your hands.

Hand wraps These protect your wrists and hands, providing extra support.

Shin guards: These protect your shins.

Optional with Ankle supports: Some people wear ankle supports or braces for added stability.

Reflex Gi (Uniform): Some BJJ classes require a Reflex gi, which consists of a jacket and pants. Make sure to check with the Reflex about what days you need a gi.

Mouthguard: A mouthguard is essential for protection during sparring and rolling.

Reflex Rashguard top: Many practitioners wear a rashguard under their gi or when doing the no gi or mma class for comfort and hygiene.

Reflex Mma Shorts: Some people wear shorts or spats (compression pants) under their gi pants for additional comfort and coverage.

Nail Clippers: Keeping your fingernails and toenails short is essential to prevent accidentally injuring your training partners.

Thongs or Slides: You'll want something to wear when you’re not on the mats, as it'’'s customary to take off your shoes before stepping onto the training area.

Towel: It's a good idea to have a small towel to wipe off sweat during training.

Mouthguard: A mouthguard is essential for protection during sparring and rolling.

Positive Attitude: Lastly, bring a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. BJJ is as much about the mental aspect as it is about physical techniques.

Always check with your Reflex BJJ instructor when you’re attending for any specific gear or uniform requirements they might have. MMA will need gloves & shin & groin guards.

Compulsory REFLEX uniform, boxing gloves & Shin guards.

Pair of Filipino sticks.

Grading students Reflex Stick uniform.

Towel: It's a good idea to have a small towel to wipe off sweat during training.

Shoes: Wearing sport shoes in Reflex gym area.

Please check with Reflex office or your Reflex instructor on what correct sparring gear you need, on the specific sparring you’re doing!